w tym miesiącu tematem wyzwania postcard journala są "Kolory ziemi". Zainspirujmy się spokojnymi odcieniami brązu, beżu, żółcieni i ochry. Elementem obowiązkowym są tym razem stemple.
Moodboard pomoże rozbudzić naszą kreatywność 😉
Więc ruszajmy tworzyć!
This month's postcard journal challenge goes with the theme " Earth tones". Let's be inspired by serene shades of browns, beiges, yellows and ocher. The obligatory element is a stamp.
The moodboard is here to spark our creativity 😉
So, let's go create!
Czekam na Wasze karty i mam nadzieję, że będziecie mieć dobrą zabawę tworząc PostCard Journal.
I look forward to your cards and hope you enjoy creating the PostCard Journal.
You can present cards from your PostCard Journal by adding a link to the InLinkzN, which is open until February 22, 2022.
👉 If you happen to want to exchange PostCards, then you do two pieces and report the desire to exchange in the comment.
You should put your signature on the card to be exchanged - any form.
Exchange rules:
can sign up for exchange by April 4, the next day we will announce
pairs. Cards are sent by April 24, addresses are exchanged by e-mail.
Lubie kolory ziemi do mojego PCJ pasuja bardzo, wszystkie karty sa w tym stylu :) Alez piekna Twoja dama!